Saturday, December 26, 2015

conspiracy theories are relative

Conspiracies abound in human condition!  News headline from Truth Pressing In on Us Press.
if we are talking about chinging da system da system would call it conspiracy 
by virtue? of the tiny unread codicil they have attached in the small print: 
confidential talking in restraint of trade is what they already do 
(although they are ostensibly working for us) yet, they add on,
 "designed to bring down da system."
    as if that should be illegal at all.  da system was once illegal.  under the CATHaholic MENpire in the not so bright ages Jews were illegal.... well, lookit 'em now!
    does the tail not wag da dawg? i don't have a dog in this hunt. i just wanna visit Rome or Spring Hill or Baghdad or Lahore or Calcutta and stay in someones' house and maybe go to a party and sip tea with the citizens (whoops,my bad, can we still use that word?!)
   i just wanna get to know someone i'll never understand
   even here in Frisco where people gave me so much last night....i got at least 4 ten dollar (US) tips. without which i would
not be here right now.  
how tensuous is that? because my blood is money is my blood money now. 
i am greening and growing money scales of old bank scripts from the 1850's 
which is the main reason gold looked so good to peephole.  
bankers have always been the evil ones. 
since GeeSays.   anyway.
    now the moneychangers are writing the new conspiracy laws based upon their new world religion of money as illusion is real. 
    and real means royalty in spanish.
we should go back to the granaries: use wheat and rice and corn and salt as money...
no.  maybe Gluten.
then peephole wouldn't want it so much.
we could use houses: they're real.

here's a ten spot lien on my million dollar home, how bout breakfast? 
the restaurateur gives it to the chef.
the chef cooks.
he gives it to his wife.
she buys the kids some shoes.
years later someone gives you your ten dollar lien back for changing her tire on a lonely country road
where money has not invaded yet.

the trees are paper in the rough.
paper money even.
man, if trees could laugh,
we would not be able to hear ourselves think.
i'm not even me

i am NOT misunderstood! i'm not even allowed to be me and i don't care because i'm not even right that much. i actually HATE "Annie" rice, i mean Rand--i used to have one of her typewriters, she called it Remington Bear. and it shot hate.  somebody out there wants us helots to survive on droppings and wet napkins we can suck the nutrients out of if we're really that hungry.  somebody wants us to rely on the charity of pathogenetic malevolulumants....preggers queens to us worker ants replacing us every four seconds: ohhh-uhnt! can't you HEAR me?  i despair. cause or symptom. they're both evil. so we only treat one of them: with mollyfliers and sugar creamers on pogo schticks...that bounce our brains into oblivia, Olivia. 
   we spray the humans playing in the street but leave the mosquitos waving in the wind...with our words...and answers of course, Bobby.
   evil is live spelled backwards.  but every body forgets.
   so all we gotta do is reverse course: the first million you make you can keep, the next BILLION goes to the people [for all their contributions over the eons that you climbed up on to get to your big castle at the Cliff bar.  then, and ONLY THEN, you get to keep your ill-gotten gains.  every other billion.  and we shall tax all assets from 1 to 5% depending if they have water.
    then we shall give to everywoman over 18 2,000 a month, US, to pay for her new roof or running water, which we the peephole shall control for the good of all. and her chickens and a garden, sewer systems designed to separate waste from the rest of us.
    i love the anti-christ by the way, because the Light would not even show up without the darkness already there giving great back story. LIKE BEHIND EVERY GREAT FORTUNE LIES A CRIME: so quit worshipping these criminals! esp. the religious liars and children's brain washing scribblers.
    this dance is not over it has just begun.
    and i am not the only one. who feels anything.
    we must find the other: not kill them from 30,000 feet.
money is what they worship in the temples: except when you are in nature's temple where money is an invasive species.
obama is worrying over who to pardon and who to kill and he forgets that money is an illusion so everyone who stole it is illusory and a fool for that so should by that qualification alone join us all free and clearly self-abusive without any outside help thank you ver' much! let everyone go who did not hit or kill. and replace them with all the generals who surely did...
[along with that marine sniper i had to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with]
semper fee fi fo' wha?

Monday, December 14, 2015

Y'know. some signs of mental disability are appearing with too much
regularity for my taste: through-tout society for example:
war without consensus, for one thing.  bailing out crooks for another, but
that is large scale, econos call it macro. on the micro level people still
toss paper and cans on the sidewalk, but the sides of the Hiways are lots
better than in the 60's...there is a fine for that. yet. having lotsa
babies as a method of getting some social security for one's old age is
selfish.  i wonder if Ayn Rand ever thought of that part. or the part of
sheep eating the grass right off the Commons and making it into a sand dune.
   and the green revolution everyone raved about: "The world CAN support 20
billion people, Now!"
   is a farce. it poisons the soil.  dead soils grow nothing.  NOTHING!
and selfishness is primafacie evidence of insanity, at least neurosis, or
partial schizophrenia as are the relentless Xmas songs celebrating the
International Church of Shopapatholics...and i am told that Schizophrenia
skips a generation so that those children of schizos will not know they
carry the evil seed, and will sprinkle the world with more schizos like
their mama if she is indeed schizo.
   is it insane to think the world is going to burn us out and drown us and
the same time, or is it sicker to ignore it?
   if we believe in .GOV and we believe in social and eco-justice and
Zoning, like comm'l and residential and Quiet Hospital and no left turns on
red, then what responsibility do we have to assure a viable and useful
genetic code for future generations to share?  i mean,  we do share our
genes, don't we?
   in at least Sick Dreg.rees of Degener-rations: we do. That's where war
comes from. You don't see lions declaring war.  or tigers. or wolves, or
sharks, vultures, eagles, foxes, rats, only humans.  one
bad gene begetting another, maybe pathogenetic or maybe just better
security for the pretty mamas who want to raise their babies with our fear
of starvation.
   Even viruses are only lost genetic engineers--nature's first--in search
of a home, yet untrained, undisciplined you might say, too  uncouth to make
a pleasant house guest.  we need to throw them a bone of some kind to tame
them. the way our ancestors tamed the wild dogs. to bark when the hongry
saber-toothed tiger came waltzing in...
   i picked up a Marina chick: four of 'em actually, back in '08 (since
then they've migrated to UBER BECAUSE THEY LIKE THE NAME!) and i asked them
why you cuties went out with these drunken over-sexed ego-maniac FIRE
types?* The quickest one answered, "Because they have the money!"
   Tell me that is not genetic.
i see where Monsanto and Dupont might be accused of causing Breast Cancer
as one tiny itty bitty collateral damage of their greedy it
redundant to say that? I could say it twice. you know, if i know, and if WE
ALL know and YER MAMA knows...then the .gov knows and our respected leaders
in myriad universal catholic islamic and jewish Congresses know, and dollar/one vote still kills.  but universal prohibition of "
procreatic" juices in unusual places is still illegal because it would cut
down votes for various gods who rely upon a universally increasing
population for their universal influence upon ALL spirituality. "Every
sperm is sacred!"
   finally, the family farmers of India have found a solution to their, not chicken poop for fertilizer, not deeper wells, not phony
cotton surgical masks--suicide.
   and the farmers of Haiti [used to fighting and dying for their freedom
as if it's part of their own genetic code], have burned the entire Monsanto
christmas gift of those FREE SEEDS of death...i wish i could've poured some
180 proof rum on that fire!

BTW, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus.   He was just another poet
ahead of his time: a metaphor for the rest of us, about to become
collateralized fallen angels.
   remember, for this Xmas, that Jesus was an uncomfortable & inconvenient
truth-teller for a defective, psychotic ruling class at the time: the upper
10,000 of it's time. the ones that got us to here. thank you and g'bye,
gracias and adios.
   for all future elections write in The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, King
Saud, and the Sultan of Brunei. And let's party on that....for we are the
seeds of truth...and they are making a pile for us somewhere you cannot
read about.
   merry kwanzaa!

Kwanzaa 2015 begins on
Saturday, December 26
and ends on
Friday, January 1
send those dates to every police station in America!

RE: DEATH OF A RED HEROINE, Author: Qiu Xiaolong

I had no idea how badly the Chinese live in Shanghai.  this book describes their everyday life in a murder mystery the likes of which the world has never seen before.  the writing is like a travelogue and meticulous--so you will need the time to of course finish your studies  in your Cantonese and local slang before you ....just kidding it's in english and the writer/guy is Chinese living in St. Louis, MO.

Shanghai is flat like New Orleans, and about 3 feet high if you can tell from the photos, i can't imagine what they are thinking about burning coal. MOST of the pop. uses coal to cook with, in first floor communal kitchens in vented hallways on hibachi-like grills. one measure of wealth is using propane. still one has to squat or kneel to cook in these places.

having an apartment with a kitchen is a major promotion. one room only is the base median.

but now they can have two kids.
RE: DEATH OF A RED HEROINE, Author: Qiu Xiaolong

I had no idea how badly the Chinese live in Shanghai.  this book describes their everyday life in a murder mystery the likes of which the world has never seen before.  the writing is like a travelogue and meticulous--so you will need the time to of course finish your studies  in your Cantonese and local slang before you ....just kidding it's in english and the writer/guy is Chinese living in St. Louis, MO.

Shanghai is flat like New Orleans, and about 3 feet high if you can tell from the photos, i can't imagine what they are thinking about burning coal. MOST of the pop. uses coal to cook with, in first floor communal kitchens in vented hallways on hibachi-like grills. one measure of wealth is using propane. still one has to squat or kneel to cook in these places.

having an apartment with a kitchen is a major promotion. one room only is the base median.

but now they can have two kids.

Another Piece of Taxi:
last night i caught a ride from SFGH, our public hospital. it was ER. A cop greeted me and told me a lady was coming out and a Sheriff's deputy would follow us to a house somewhere. she came out with a stroller heap with stuff--including a  tiny baby in its own small carrier with handle.  i put the stroller in the back "trunk" area. and we took the back streets to avoid any followers...i figured the cop would notice anyone following easier.
    on the way i chatted with the passenger.  do you have avouched? yes. this was paid for by a hospital fund. it turned out to be 25.
    i asked her if she had BF problems.  yes. husband she said. i told her i had picked up at these sanctuaries before and the women seemed much more relaxed after. she called her hubbie her "baby papa."
    is he the father? yes.  how many? six.  wow how old is baby papa? 31.  you? 29.
    what does he do? nothin'
    how much do they pay you per child?  $1,000.
shocked i asked per month?  yeah.
you could buy a house with that...i already have one she said.
what?  In SF?  no in Fresno. my daddy died and left it to me.
so, uh, you rent it out? yes.  how much? 6,000.  how many bedrooms? 4.
1500 a BR. In Fresno. i shuddered.  my rent control apt now extended its influence in my life throughout the entire state--i knew i would never live in any Fresno.  my next home might be in Vietnam or Bangkok.  maybe Venezuela--in time to witness the revolution.
     so you two make 12,000 a month with 6 kids? yep. about 144,000 a year. yep.
i carried the troller up the stairs fully loaded and too heavy and large and awkward for me really, but i made it by wranging it up going real slow.  [she carried the baby in his basket.]  i figured that service was worth this info.  you get it for free.
     when i told the cop he smiled, not surprised.
i heard a ding from my cab.
i got a call, i said. 
i was outa there.

anybody got an opinion?

[In China they just raised the quota/limit up to 2 children per couple. i don't know what they do with single mamas. or if they still throw away baby girls.  i do know the last ruling on births left China with about 100 million extra single men to deal with. The most formidable ground army the world has ever known. They could simply start marching south and take Bangkok, Burma, and Bengla Desh by the sheer weight of male protein coming on down.]

what a great planet for a poet.

Friday, December 11, 2015

One quick way to save the planet would be to eliminate all white people. the class must proceed, i can presume, at the speed of the slowest.  if they won't slow down then we must make them. i am white, so kick me first.
   Capital breaks the natural regimen of work, love, and knowledge, which rewards us with a fullness and appreciation of life as a fleeting trust given to humanity as a test maybe and responsibility for sure to leave the world better than you found it.  doctors give an oath (which they share with our beloved google) to "do no harm." Through every religion we all pray for the wisdom--and swear to uphold--the idea of doing unto others what you would like them to do unto you. is it too large a stretch to enforce this Tao in our lifetimes instead of after our death? Heaven is here, already here, after our birth, and violation of its feminine principles is tantamount to rape: which is the most egregious form of assault and battery extant.
    i am already poor. i am a poet. 
i proceed at the pace of my revelations which i cannot say come all wrapped up in happiness and joy under a Xmas tree. i am kicked out already. i can see the System from a distance. white people have colonized even the latent affect of decolonization. the System is pernicious and relentless. it preys upon fear of failure and fear of drought, fear of homelessness even as it destroys homes by the millions.
    we can eliminate the effect of white people by eliminating their immortal monster corpo-personages, who rule the planet for their own aggrandizement, with acumen and persistent devotion to a 90 day world view.
   we can out-law them.  kill them off.  break them up. into little pieces. disable them from their venality. destroy their kleptomanic tendencies of being able to corrupt (or kill) any government they want. This way, white people would become parts of an even larger, not a smaller corporate, cluster, but a conglomeration of other smaller more family-oriented equals who use one vote at a time to address universal permanent, long-running concerns that are putting our civilizations, nay! our SPECIES and all mammals and all fish and all--most importantly--the plant plankton, of a one-world eco-system at risk of extermination. White people have yet to recognize this risk because of their addiction to their ties which lock them into an outmoded and dangerous dream of victory over a generous, already consenting Mother Earth...all arranged in the last 400 years by a web of corporate constructs which possess them...and rule they can rule the rest.
    Of what empty, pyrrhic victory to they dream? With what kind of sickened, depleted, depressed, stunted, human cohort do they suppose to share this abysmal future?
    Would this be any different than revolting against the crazy kings of yore. the murderous, self-important, power addicted dick-taters of the not so vanished past?
    i would suggest all monarchs be stripped of all possessions and/or money. and placed in some small jacal in say, Ethiopia or Kenya for starters, or in Southern India where the sun doth shine and the wind doth blow, and let us see what their natural genius shall bring to blossom in saving the world from there.
    While the people i would hope, vote out anyone with more than one million dollars as being too rich to exist.
What the world needs now is not a minimum wage--no time left to us for that--what we need now is a MAXIMUM income and a limit to ASSETS >>> the Future has spoken and the wealthy are deaf.
    So the poor must listen: we need to give every femme on this planet over the age of 18 at least $2,000 a month as reparations for past slavery and oppression in general. This fund must be supplied by the accumulated piles of matter left mouldering in the vacated estates of the upper 10,000.  That's all it would take.
    Nature will out anyway.  We are only trying to save humanity as it is.
    Maybe that is the way the rich see it..too.