no more "decorating the tables of the rich!"
to quote adrienne rich who passed away recently....
WORLD ON FIRE world on fire world on fireworldonfire...
an artist never gives them what they want. make 'em laugh or make 'em cry.
the world is on fire....escape is what got us to here.
awww fuck it...let's go have another beer!
it's not that we're impotent it's not that we're captive or
seduced or may be made oblivious by TV andworld on fire
our strict devotion to voyeurism.
not that we Amerdricans are afraid...that can't be it.
we conquered the Apache or at least some of us did.
we beat up Hitler sniveling into his grave and mussolini so
ultimately not brave.
escaped franco and somoza and marcos for far worse i dunno.
outlasted Stalin and hist'ry writ in blood and war by Mao
i dunno how...
and now we sit upon the precipice of life or death an' we write about how pretty the flowers how cute
the deer fawns
and our dear ones
who'll be soon screaming for breath.
i dunno what people are thinking but
if poets cannot lead them we're dead.
i don't write for people anymore....Nature hates us by now.
we're in for one big spanking and corrective interaction of some sort
we cannot complain or even understand.
guilty by human and mouse command.
no. i write for the plant plankton. to please let me swim in their lake one more time before
the end.
ps~~Finland is land of la femme.* and Oslo is free of ICE**
*the 6 most powerful pols in Finland are female. their 1st proposal to parliament is 4 day week w/ 6 hours days.
**Internal Combustion Engines.
and i propose Frisco outlaw gas stations as dangerous to mankind.
we killed alcohol and we prohibited marijuana. there are still laws against cunnilingus on da books
and a man may not swear or "talk dirty"
to his wife while making love in Oregon.
cunnilingus was illegal in Illinois for a century.
Afghani femmes have to wear burkas
and there are no legs on the beaches of Arabia.
***i had a ride with 4 Saudi women in my taxi they were all phat mama's and all had minis that were way too short for
every reason one could think of....but i laugh with them for being free to look silly and just have fun for once in their lives.
they carried big bags of shopping scores to the nearest bar in north beach. hoo! ray! for freedom....i almost gave them a free ride,
but then i remembered yemen and accepted the no tip with no comment.
the femme is still the first and last slave on
Earth. you cannot expect slaves to know how to be free.
or that freedom has bounds of freedoms for others.
it's a mix and match, as is freedom to be silly.
i almost wanna say how could we vote for a man?
reparations for women! now!
s start it in thousand a month....payable in
pounds of francs or diamonds on cobalt rings,
sent to the women's public banks of nations wherever
grrrls get to be 18...