Y'know. some signs of mental disability are appearing with too much regularity for my taste: through-tout society for example: war without consensus, for one thing. bailing out crooks for another, but that is large scale, econos call it macro. on the micro level people still toss paper and cans on the sidewalk, but the sides of the Hiways are lots better than in the 60's...there is a fine for that. yet. having lotsa babies as a method of getting some social security for one's old age is selfish. i wonder if Ayn Rand ever thought of that part. or the part of sheep eating the grass right off the Commons and making it into a sand dune. and the green revolution everyone raved about: "The world CAN support 20 billion people, Now!" is a farce. it poisons the soil. dead soils grow nothing. NOTHING! and selfishness is primafacie evidence of insanity, at least neurosis, or partial schizophrenia as are the relentless Xmas songs celebrating the International Church of Shopapatholics...and i am told that Schizophrenia skips a generation so that those children of schizos will not know they carry the evil seed, and will sprinkle the world with more schizos like their mama if she is indeed schizo. is it insane to think the world is going to burn us out and drown us and the same time, or is it sicker to ignore it? if we believe in .GOV and we believe in social and eco-justice and Zoning, like comm'l and residential and Quiet Hospital and no left turns on red, then what responsibility do we have to assure a viable and useful genetic code for future generations to share? i mean, we do share our genes, don't we? in at least Sick Dreg.rees of Degener-rations: we do. That's where war comes from. You don't see lions declaring war. or tigers. or wolves, or sharks, vultures, eagles, foxes, rats, cucarachas...no. only humans. one bad gene begetting another, maybe pathogenetic or maybe just better security for the pretty mamas who want to raise their babies with our fear of starvation. Even viruses are only lost genetic engineers--nature's first--in search of a home, yet untrained, undisciplined you might say, too uncouth to make a pleasant house guest. we need to throw them a bone of some kind to tame them. the way our ancestors tamed the wild dogs. to bark when the hongry saber-toothed tiger came waltzing in... i picked up a Marina chick: four of 'em actually, back in '08 (since then they've migrated to UBER BECAUSE THEY LIKE THE NAME!) and i asked them why you cuties went out with these drunken over-sexed ego-maniac FIRE types?* The quickest one answered, "Because they have the money!" Tell me that is not genetic. i see where Monsanto and Dupont might be accused of causing Breast Cancer as one tiny itty bitty collateral damage of their greedy avarice...is it redundant to say that? I could say it twice. you know, if i know, and if WE ALL know and YER MAMA knows...then the .gov knows and our respected leaders in myriad universal catholic islamic and jewish Congresses know, and yet......one dollar/one vote still kills. but universal prohibition of " procreatic" juices in unusual places is still illegal because it would cut down votes for various gods who rely upon a universally increasing population for their universal influence upon ALL spirituality. "Every sperm is sacred!" finally, the family farmers of India have found a solution to their anguish...no, not chicken poop for fertilizer, not deeper wells, not phony cotton surgical masks--suicide. and the farmers of Haiti [used to fighting and dying for their freedom as if it's part of their own genetic code], have burned the entire Monsanto christmas gift of those FREE SEEDS of death...i wish i could've poured some 180 proof rum on that fire! BTW, Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus. He was just another poet ahead of his time: a metaphor for the rest of us, about to become collateralized fallen angels. remember, for this Xmas, that Jesus was an uncomfortable & inconvenient truth-teller for a defective, psychotic ruling class at the time: the upper 10,000 of it's time. the ones that got us to here. thank you and g'bye, gracias and adios. for all future elections write in The Rothschilds, Rockefellers, King Saud, and the Sultan of Brunei. And let's party on that....for we are the seeds of truth...and they are making a pile for us somewhere you cannot read about. merry kwanzaa! Kwanzaa 2015 begins on Saturday, December 26 and ends on Friday, January 1 send those dates to every police station in America!
Monday, December 14, 2015
RE: DEATH OF A RED HEROINE, Author: Qiu Xiaolong
Shanghai is flat like New Orleans, and about 3 feet high if you can tell from the photos, i can't imagine what they are thinking about burning coal. MOST of the pop. uses coal to cook with, in first floor communal kitchens in vented hallways on hibachi-like grills. one measure of wealth is using propane. still one has to squat or kneel to cook in these places.
having an apartment with a kitchen is a major promotion. one room only is the base median.
but now they can have two kids.
RE: DEATH OF A RED HEROINE, Author: Qiu Xiaolong
Shanghai is flat like New Orleans, and about 3 feet high if you can tell from the photos, i can't imagine what they are thinking about burning coal. MOST of the pop. uses coal to cook with, in first floor communal kitchens in vented hallways on hibachi-like grills. one measure of wealth is using propane. still one has to squat or kneel to cook in these places.
having an apartment with a kitchen is a major promotion. one room only is the base median.
but now they can have two kids.
Another Piece of Taxi:
last night i caught a ride from SFGH, our public hospital. it was ER. A cop greeted me and told me a lady was coming out and a Sheriff's deputy would follow us to a house somewhere. she came out with a stroller heap with stuff--including a tiny baby in its own small carrier with handle. i put the stroller in the back "trunk" area. and we took the back streets to avoid any followers...i figured the cop would notice anyone following easier.
on the way i chatted with the passenger. do you have avouched? yes. this was paid for by a hospital fund. it turned out to be 25.
i asked her if she had BF problems. yes. husband she said. i told her i had picked up at these sanctuaries before and the women seemed much more relaxed after. she called her hubbie her "baby papa."
is he the father? yes. how many? six. wow how old is baby papa? 31. you? 29.
what does he do? nothin'
how much do they pay you per child? $1,000.
shocked i asked per month? yeah.
you could buy a house with that...i already have one she said.
what? In SF? no in Fresno. my daddy died and left it to me.
so, uh, you rent it out? yes. how much? 6,000. how many bedrooms? 4.
1500 a BR. In Fresno. i shuddered. my rent control apt now extended its influence in my life throughout the entire state--i knew i would never live in any Fresno. my next home might be in Vietnam or Bangkok. maybe Venezuela--in time to witness the revolution.
so you two make 12,000 a month with 6 kids? yep. about 144,000 a year. yep.
i carried the troller up the stairs fully loaded and too heavy and large and awkward for me really, but i made it by wranging it up going real slow. [she carried the baby in his basket.] i figured that service was worth this info. you get it for free.
when i told the cop he smiled, not surprised.
i heard a ding from my cab.
i got a call, i said.
i was outa there.
anybody got an opinion?
[In China they just raised the quota/limit up to 2 children per couple. i don't know what they do with single mamas. or if they still throw away baby girls. i do know the last ruling on births left China with about 100 million extra single men to deal with. The most formidable ground army the world has ever known. They could simply start marching south and take Bangkok, Burma, and Bengla Desh by the sheer weight of male protein coming on down.]
what a great planet for a poet.
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