i have to answer constant critique of USA:
(we are of all people, everyone is represented here. we are all from Finland to Fargo, and from Tierra del fuego, to Ulan Bator.
no empire is immortal they just think they are. they do become immobile. fat and lazy.
lackeys abound:
Your cities are imitating ours imitating UK imitating Hitler. Who has it right? Sweden China and Vietnam. we'll be at war with them all. can't wait.
our last 58 years, so far, has been based upon has been based upon this:
James Douglass’s “JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters”.
This century rests upon the 911 fraud/fantasy. not enough people scream about this stuff.
the first six problems that pop into mind given we are 3rd largest nation and i live in Mean ol' Dirty Frisco, are
global climate change --soon the most CO2 if not already will come from China.
WWIII --possibility of nuclear winter.
the DOD and CIA--together sucking up our HealthEducation&Welfare violently.
wealth concentration --alongside immense poverty, in macro and micro scope...i.e., global south/north and city by city.
fascism rising -- we are watching it here. are you there yet?
Dear Aussie, you gave us Murdock.
the theory of selfishness vs. human kindness:
which is, the AynRandian duplicity that, artfully made the individual God[s] on Earth and contributed to Greenspan's notorious confession: "There was a flaw in my world view."
before her came the bible with its "Go and populate!" ideal.
nice. when you have a totally sufficient con-artist a Jew btw, consigning himself to the same pile as Hitler dove on. Our market-worshipping CEO's moved all our manufacturing to China to destroy our labor force which had protected and enriched them for 2 world wars and also bought everything they ever made or said.
our bad.
now they waffle and say they want Trump out. he's bad for business. Association of Manufacturers. sheeesh. or what? war with China? ha...no one here wants those shitty jobs back anyway. what with AI coming on, we just want a BMI and get on with our revelry.
Could we afford kindness instead of war?
how does one get rid of a nuke? bottom of the sea? it could rust out and pollute the oceans. underground? how about your fine empty desert? huh. good ol' ally?
(no desert is empty)
together we live, apart we die. all is really one. om tat sat.