Tuesday, December 6, 2011

fifty words for war  
[there must be]

50 words for snow…!
And only one for love.

Oh well, how can anyone force them selves to love these neo-american grrrls?
With their –innoculated—
Sense of entitlement.
easy as pie. Cold as ice.

In the mod-waste wonder-lust of story.
Media content
Formats not considered
They’re all stories.
Things we did fresh
Have always done and will do.

In our ecstasy of songbirds chirping at the dawn
High school cronies
Eaves-dropping stories.

Jackals lookin' for werk.

What my sister did stories.
In the boat.
The villages we killed stories.
We’re not allowed to TELL stories, 
of hell stories.

Fat thigh stories
getting too high stories
Ring yer bell stories
Playing records
Making records
Breaking records
Living dying…
Killing by gas by cluster by metal by heat by futures
Detracted, distracted
Exploited, Polluted
Wanna hear a story?

About us?
About now?
About how? We are now?
Can you let me tell you a story?
Wait!  Don’t go.
Let me wash that invisible 
blood off your hands.
Because youdon’tknow stories…
Because you listen—sometimes—
but you don’t FEEL stories.
   you do not feel
when you gonna pay
   for that story?
You told.  From your oblivion. 
It’s still your story/you get
To decide…
But you’re too busy
Fuckin’ yer brains out…
in the back of the taxi.
So we gotta
Your brain...